When the body and mind are given the opportunity to step off the treadmill of doing, we create space for the underlying thoughts and emotions that have been pushed aside, to gently surface and be seen and felt. Yoga is a tool which allows us to explore our inner most self in order to create union between body and mind. When this union is experienced, we start to understand ourselves and care for ourselves. It is only in this loving and caring for ourselves that we truly learn how to love and care for others.

My earliest memory of experiencing limitless peace and joy was when I visited Sikh temples as a child with my mum and listened to great teachers passing on their knowledge through
songs and prayers. Although I didn’t necessarily understand every word that was spoken, I did feel extremely peaceful and happy in the company of these teachers. Sikhism is all about oneness and unity through meditation and kirtan (refers to devotional singing in Sikhism).
This was the start of my spiritual journey which would eventually lead me to study philosophy in a very practical way via the School of Philosophy. We study texts from the Eastern and Western traditions, as well as being introduced to practical exercises such as mindfulness and meditation.
This philosophical study inspired me to want to understand more about our wellbeing and how it is all interconnected. Since then, I have embarked on a journey to study Ayurveda, Meditation and Yoga which has helped me understand a holistic approach to life. My passion is to share my learnings with others on the same journey.

Weekly Wednesday Class
Wednesday 12pm-1pm
Brinscall Hall, Dick Lane, Chorley, PR6 8QL
£10.00 Per Session or 6 classes for £55
To book your place contact Harj on:
07875 608 753 or email holisticyogawithharj@gmail.com
Cash or BACS accepted
Weekly Friday Class
Friday Mornings 10am-11am
Belmont House, Stockport, SK4 1TG
£10.00 Per Session or 6 classes for £55
To book your place contact Harj on:
07875 608 753 or email holisticyogawithharj@gmail.com
Cash or BACS accepted